The Girls - Our laying hens
We’re a bigger family than just the humans (and a dog). We’re delighted to have a roster of wonderful laying chicken hens. It’s our pleasure to introduce them to you!
Alyse, Bernice, Clarice, and Denise
Our first four chickens! These Rhode Island Reds started our egg journey in October 2017 and delivered the first farm fresh brown eggs on our farm. They began in a small two storey 8 sq ft coop that we assembled. We decided that although there could be a Eunice, Fenice, Genish and henise just wasn’t going to work and started on a new naming convention.
Black Beauty, Torchie, Rockstar, and Scruffy Murphy
Our next four egg-laying champs! They flew from a nearby coop and were on the lamb. (Geddit? Because we have a farm!) They are a varied bunch, with a Black Maran, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, and White Plymouth Rock in their number.
Sasha Velour and Latrice Royale
These two fashionistas are ex-pats from Dartmouth, running from the bylaw police. These Bantam Silkies may be small but they make up for their physical size with attitude!
Sunrise, Sunset, and Sunburst
This trio are the new kids on the block but they don’t let that hold them back. These Ameraucanas (also known as Easter Eggers) have extra special eggs: blue, green, peach!
Our third generation of hens
By 2019, we had moved the girls into a grander space. We redesigned the greenhouse/shed to make for a fabulous two room coop, and expanded the run to add a full workout space with ash/dust bath spa, skyrise roost and skynetting. The hen family has grown to more than two dozen and a couple of roosters to keep them company. They enjoy sunshine and exercise every day.